Jarrard Phillips Cate & Hancock 27 Jun 2018 // 9:00PM GMT

Healthcare is not used to playing in the sunshine, and why would we be?
But the demand for transparency in pricing and practices in America’s healthcare system has reached a breaking point.
The editorial board of USA Today defined the mood last month.“Health care providers insist on keeping patients in the dark on pricing,” they wrote. “To them, a powerless consumer and an opaque system is key to maintaining leverage over insurance companies, so they have waged a multi-front battle against transparency.”
Unfair, you say? There’s more. This frustration is not limited to pricing transparency. It’s a call for a new level of exposure for all aspects of our enterprise: The quality of our care, the character of our people and the integrity of our business.
Let’s call it what it is: Our consumers and competitors are coming for us.This is a defining challenge for healthcare providers and a competitive advantage for market disruptors. It is energizing efforts to transform our industry. It is a movement that is accelerating and will impact every provider of care.
This special report is designed to help leaders within the Jarrard Phillips Cate & Hancock network stay ahead of this moment, to learn the insights of their peers and be equipped to act smartly on behalf of their organizations.
We believe transparency is power, that’s it’s here to stay and that it means much more than just price.For generations hospitals and other traditional providers have been shielded from the revealing forces of the marketplace, and it has worked to our advantage.It’s a challenging time, but providers have an advantage.
Our “consumers” know us as friends and neighbors and parents and employers. We have a physical presence in our communities, an impact on the economy and a history of care that often spans generations.We have all the elements for a good defense and a powerful offense. But we have to be in the game to win.
You can download the full report here: Welcome to the sunshine.