Holmes Report 05 Oct 2014 // 12:27PM GMT
There is overwhelming evidence that conscientious consumption is on the rise, according to BeCause It Matters, a new study from Havas PR, which found that conscientious consumption is a growing aspiration in markets around the world.
In Australia, Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Mexico, Poland, South Korea, Spain, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom and the United States, consumers were asked to respond to nine statements rating their consumption behavior in the past year, the present and the next 12 months, from whether they have bought ethical brands and researched them ahead of purchase to whether they recommend responsible brands to family, friends and colleagues.
The survey found that women consumers are leading the way and that people in developing economies have strong conscientious aspirations. In general, consumers like the idea of being conscientious but are most likely to engage in conscientious behavior that requires little or no additional cost or effort from them.
"In part, this phenomenon is about people everywhere questioning the assumptions of the financial crisis that started in 2007," says Marian Salzman, CEO of Havas PR North America and chair of the Havas PR Global Collective. "And in part it's about using 21st-century tools to get more information in order to be consumers who are proactive about ethical, responsible, sustainable brands.
“Plus, the transparency trend and so many others are converging to bring us to where we are now: more mindful in both consumption habits and our social and environmental impact."