SAN FRANCISCO — Larry Yu, director of corporate comms at Facebook, has joined tech PR veterans
Brandee Barker Sean Garrett and Brian O'Shaughnessy as a partner in their new firm.
Yu will join The Pramana Collective in June after nearly five years at Facebook. Prior to that, Yu has done stints at Google, MWW and Cisco. The Pramana Collective launched earlier this year as a project-focused communications consultancy geared towards innovative companies.
On The Pramana Collective's blog, Garrett said all three co-founders previously worked with Yu throughout his 20-year career. Barker, former communications director at Facebook, worked alongisde Yu for several years at the social networking company.
“Beyond being a thoughtful guy who is universally liked and respected, Larry knows how to navigate companies through chaotic growth stages with confidence and calm," Garrett said. "And we all admire how he makes financials, process and operations look easy, maybe even fun (well, almost).”
Tucker Bounds, Facebook's manager of corporate communications, will step into Yu's role.