LONDON — Frank has launched an initiative to help employees switch off from the pressure of being ‘always on’ by rewarding them for not constantly checking their mobile phones.

The innovative scheme is powered by an app, Frank on Hold, in partnership with technology provider Hold. The app detects when an employee has used their work smartphone and will give them points dependent on how long they leave their phone untouched.

The app will still allow employees to receive phone calls and notifications, but will reward them for avoiding the temptation of habitually checking devices. Accumulated points can be exchanged for rewards and discounts including coffee, snacks, cinema tickets, Frank workplace perks or donations to charity within the app’s marketplace.

In addition to encouraging employees to switch off from work when at home, the agency says the app will also allow its team to concentrate better at work, by removing the constant distraction of mobile notifications and the temptation to Snap, tweet and check for messages and emails.

Matt Jordan, head of people, talent and culture at Frank said: “The idea isn’t to stop people using their phones. Instead, it’s to ensure that the decision to use them is a conscious one. Working in a demanding industry like PR where you are expected to be always on, we realise how hard it is for people to switch off out of working hours. We wanted to find a solution to encourage people to maintain a better work/life balance and improve their mental wellbeing.

In addition, Jordan said that while at work, the “near-constant dopamine hit of hundreds of notifications can seriously get in the way.” He added: “We want to limit these distractions and give employees an incentive to concentrate. We believe that for employees to be at their most effective it is essential for them to be able to cope with the constant demands of an always on world. Encouraging them not to be constantly distracted by their mobiles is a step towards achieving this.”