WASHINGTON, DC – Businesses and CEOs are “in for a rollercoaster no matter who is president,” PRovokeGlobal delegates heard this week, during a session considering how companies can position themselves post-election.

“I have five draft statements for election night in my inbox right now looking at various scenarios, including there not being a clear decision that night,” Michael Steel, senior VP of communications at Business Roundtable, said.

Regardless of the uncertainty, the panel – which included ROKK Solutions co-founders and partners Ron Bonjean and Rodell Mollineu – agreed that companies should be geared up for social unrest and take into account the lessons of the last eight years.

“In terms of social unrest, we should anticipate that, it’s part of the planning process that organisations need to have,” Bonjean said. “Don’t do something you’re not willing to follow through on, that’s the lesson of the last eight years.”

Mollineu added: “If you look at companies on the centre left like Patagonia and Ben & Jerry’s, and companies on the centre right like Chick-FilA, they never waver on what they believe. “They are – I don’t want to say bulletproof – but there’s really no daylight between their principles in 2018 and 2024. It’s hard to pick them apart.”

The panel agreed a clear result may not be forthcoming in the period immediately post-election and organisations need to be geared up for uncertainty.

“We know the seven states that are going to be an issue – if you have a substantial operation there, there is a scenario next Wednesday when the person who runs that operation becomes one of the most important people in the company,” Steel said, advising that businesses and CCOs open lines of communication “with folks you may not communicate with on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.”

And while predictions varied among the panel, all agreed that businesses have a duty to work with whoever emerges victorious. “When I’m on an airplane, I’m rooting for the pilot. If you want America to succeed, you’re going to root for whoever’s in office at the time,” Steel said.