NEW DELHI — Sharif Rangnekar is to depart Integral following 13 years with the Indian PR firm, which included more than a decade as CEO.

Rangnekar, who officially leaves the business at the end of February, has served as Integral chairman since 2015. The firm identified Sujay Mehdudia to succeed Rangnekar as CEO last year. 

Rangnekar's tenure at Integral effectively made him synonymous with a firm that grew considerably under his watch. After arriving in 2003 following a career as journalist, he became CEO in 2004. 

"I have a few assignments I wish to complete as well as get some time off," Rangnekar told the Holmes Report. "Beyond that, though, I will consider what I wish to do on the basis of what is on offer."

Mehdudia noted that Rangnekar's "tenure has been a long and valuable one for Integral."

"He took this decision for personal reasons," said Mehdudia. "We will surely miss him and wish him the best. He has agreed, however, to work on certain strategic projects from time to time in the capacity of an advisor."