Diana Marszalek 19 May 2022 // 7:23PM GMT

NEW YORK — The Ukraine Communication Support Network is calling on global PR industry leaders — particularly those in countries susceptible to Russian misinformation — to join its effort supporting Ukraine through communications.
The network, created by the Public Relations and Communications Association (PRCA) and the International Communications Consultancy Organisation (ICCO) in March, recently added 16 country leads to a new international subcommittee established to drive worldwide support for the Ukrainian people. The new appointees represent the UK and countries across Europe as well as Brazil, India, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa and Thailand.
The network is looking for a US leader to join the effort, the PRCA said. A primary focus, however, is recruiting communicators in countries across Latin America, Southeast Asia and Africa whose people are more exposed to Russian propaganda than those living in countries that back Ukraine.
The international subcommittee will work with the UCSN steering committee to share information and support projects in aid of Ukraine and its people affected by the war. That includes supporting efforts to expose misinformation as it relates to Russia’s invasion; assist with humanitarian projects across borders; and intensify efforts to ‘defund the war’ by educating the business community on the realities of the invasion and the need for a collective response to Russia’s aggression.
The UCSN is co-chaired by Ukrainian communications leader Nataliya Popovych, founder of One Philosophy, and independent consultant David Gallagher.
"To win against a nuclear armed aggressor like Russia and serve all the responsible for this horrible war justice within the international law, Ukraine needs a global coalition of the free world and the role of the public relations professionals is very important here,” Popovych said.
"We call on the best communications experts in their respective markets to support Ukraine, counter Russian disinformation and manipulation of history, work to cripple Russia’s economy to wage this war against Ukraine or any other sovereign state. We look forward to working together for the lasting peace in Europe and the world!"
Individuals interested in participating should contact their national PR association or email PRCA's communications and marketing director Koray Camgoz at [email protected].