Caring: Demonstrating caring in a thousand creative ways not only for those who are safe but also for those whose safety is questioned. Saying that we care is not good enough. It must be demonstrated in our tone and behaviors.


Teamwork: At a time when people feel powerless and many are separated from family and friends, it’s important to create and encourage teaming, creating the feeling of something greater than the sum of individuals, a team to turn to and, in turn, to help.

Visibility: It’s important for managers and leaders to be very visible and approachable during times of crisis/trauma.

Involvement: Involve employees in tasks to give them a sense of control and successful accomplishment, especially at a time when they may feel overwhelmed by events.

Organization: This is a time not only to give direction and establish order, but to anticipate what we, our employees and our clients will be facing in coming weeks and months; and to set into motion an organized approach and campaign to address future needs and challenges.

Sharing: Not just information, but the courageous stories, tales of heroism, large or small. The only true way to cope with inhumanity is through greater humanity. At a time when people are shocked and can find no rationale for terror, they can be sustained and inspired by acts of heroism. Telling these stores and asking others to share their own is essential.

SOURCE: Burson-Marsteller