In this episode of Intersection, S. Mitra Kalita, SVP at CNN, joins the discussion. We talk about Kalita's new project as she leaves CNN and what her 20+ career in newsrooms has taught her about the media, storytelling, objectivity — and the impact on telling diverse and authentic stories. The conversation also features Praytell's VP of brand allyship Stefan Embry and is hosted by Aarti Shah. Intersection is a video series that PRovoke Media has launched in partnership with Praytell.

Intersection is a video series that PRovoke Media has launched in partnership with Praytell. The full video series can be seen here, including an interview with Goldman Sachs' Maeve DuVally on bringing your whole self to work, ACLU CCO Rebecca Lowell Edwards on PR, race and democracy, and a video featuring author and professor S. Craig Watkins on creatives of color.

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