Holmes Report 05 Mar 2017 // 10:28AM GMT
Rolex has the world’s best reputation—and the first “excellent” reputation in the history of the Reputation Institute’s annual Global RepTrak 100 rankings.
Based on over 170,000 ratings collected in the first quarter of 2017, the survey measures the general public’s perception of the world’s top companies on seven key rational dimensions of reputation: products and services, innovation, workplace, governance, citizenship, leadership and performance. An “excellent” reputation is represented by an overall RepTrak Pulse score of 80 or higher.
On the strength of its number one position in products and services, Rolex beat out LEGO Group, which climbed four places to the number two spot, and was ranked top in governance. The Walt Disney Company, Canon, and Google rounded out the top five, with the latter ranking best on innovation, workplace, citizenship, leadership and performance.
Other top 10 companies are Bosch, Sony, Intel, Rolls-Royce, and Adidas.
Two technology giants dropped out of the top 10, with Microsoft ranking 11th, and Apple slipping 10 spots to 20th. Samsung posted the most notable decline with its RepTrak Pulse score dropping 4.0 points and landing in 70th place overall. Among automakers, both BMW Group (12th place) and Daimler (27th place) both fell out the top 10.
According to Allen Bonde, RI chief marketing officer, “Looking at top performers, it’s clear that offering high quality products, standing behind them, and meeting customer needs is foundational to delivering on the brand promise. But our data also shows that companies with a strong sense of purpose who are committed to improving on all dimensions of reputation – especially governance and citizenship – tend to be the most highly regarded.”