Shorbani Roy | The Innovator 25 Asia-Pacific 2022

Shorbani Roy

Head of Communications
Lockheed Martin (Asia)


“I've decided that innovation is as much a practice as it can be an occasion for me."

As head of communications for Lockheed Martin in Asia, Shorbani Roy steers the defense and security company’s brand, programmatic and social impact activity in an increasingly volatile operating environment underscored by significant geopolitical dynamics. Overseeing a team of in-house as well as partner communications agencies in key markets, Roy leads the design and delivery of communications campaigns that showcase Lockheed Martin’s scientific exploration and technological credentials in pursuit of security and progress — alongside social impact efforts that include STEM education investment across the region. 
How do you define innovation?
Courage in motion. It requires going beyond instinct, fear or expertise to activate what one genuinely believes is authentic and/or can make meaningful impact, regardless if 'it' is new, novel or not.

What is the most innovative PR or marketing initiative you've seen over the past 12 months?
Not sure that I have of late tbh.

In your opinion, which brands and/or agencies are most innovative in their approach to PR and marketing?
As someone inspired by social impact, Dove comes to mind with their courage to address topics that may have been taboo or uncomfortable to address.

Describe a moment in your career that you would consider to be innovative.
Actually, I consider any instance that I feel like I’ve achieved a breakthrough in thought, ideas or solutions to be a moment of innovation. I’ve decided that innovation is as much a practice as it can be an occasion for me.

Who do you admire for his/her approach to innovation?
There are many, but really, anybody whose ideas, actions and activities make me take notice and inspires a growth in perspective is admirable. Them and the Isambard Kingdom Brunel types who don’t give up or let failed experiments get in their way.

How do you get out of a creativity rut?
Just like almost everyone else I guess, by getting outside of my own head – for instance forcibly reading or watching or experiencing things I don’t normally, or engaging with people beyond my immediate industry and basically invoking and provoking different perspectives or alternative thought – or just sticking with it and trusting the process that practice will lead to product(ivity). Typically, a combination of tactics works.

What advice would you give to the PR industry around embracing innovation?
If you haven't yet, please devote significant effort in research and analysis in the contemplation and design of your campaigns (for everything is information possibly worth considering); throw off the bowlines; dare to think and do things differently; be open to surprising ourselves; don’t give up; and keep your courage.

What would you be doing if you weren't doing your current job?
I’d likely still be a storyteller of some kind, or still in aerospace/aviation but perhaps in a different role.

Which book/movie/TV show/podcast/playlist/other cultural source has provided inspiration over the past year?
I've been immersing myself in the history and cultures of East Asian societies this past year, spurred by a re-watching of Hayao Miyazaki's works during the pandemic. Encountering ‘things’ again for the first time has inspired me to re-discover, re-think, re-consider, and re-frame the learned narratives and assumptions I have grown up with, and by extension, my professional practice.

How would you like to see work culture, and the role of the office, evolve?
I see the role of the office ideally evolving in tandem with the ethos of employment and maturity of individual employees. For instance, at Lockheed Martin, we have always placed emphasis on employee wellness and workplace flexibility, and been practicing flexible workweeks for years now with the hybrid nature of work recognized formally, at least for those of us in corporate roles. The physical office or workplace seems to have become a conduit, a space for connection and in-person collaboration, and a place we can depend on in the conduct of our work rather than a location we must be at during defined hours. The four day week we are offered as an option to move to (in select jurisdictions with respect to employment law) is also neat. These arrangements do however require an ownership of responsibility on the part of individual employees, and a level of trust by employers but I am an advocate and believe it is for the better – productivity-, efficiency-, and mental health- and wellbeing-wise.

How can the PR and communications industry harness innovation to make more progress on diversity, equity and inclusion?
Perhaps by identifying tangible outcomes that make a positive impact on our people, and evaluating what it may take to arrive there – possibly through a basket of activities some of which may be innovative, and some, tried, tested and traditional – and walking the talk through an intentional practice of DE&I to lead by action and example. And perhaps we first begin at the beginning, by asking what diversity, equity and inclusion means to our people and taking their views seriously.