Hill+Knowlton Strategies 05 Dec 2014 // 8:31AM GMT

Recent days have seen Eurobest judges tucked away in rooms going through the hundreds of entries to first create the shortlists and then decide who walks away with the coveted trophies. We were lucky enough to grab a bit of time with three of the jurors before they were locked away to find out what it is they will be looking for in a winning campaign:
Vicki Maguire, Deputy Executive Creative Director at Grey London – Juror for Outdoor and Radio
[Image from Eurobest.com]
It’s very much led by the heart - if I look at a piece of work, it takes my breath away and I think ‘I wish I’d done that’. This is a combination of three things:
1) Brilliant strategic insight that really does hold a truth
2) Wonderful storytelling
3) Good execution
Karin Onsager-Birch, Executive Creative Director at Blue Hive – Juror for Direct and Promo & Activation
[Image from Eurobest.com]
I’m looking for an innovative or unexpected great idea. Something really simple and smart.
Chantal Rickards, Head of Programming and Branded Content at MEC – Jury President for Branded Content & Entertainment and Juror for Integrated
[Image from Eurobest.com]
In a winning campaign, there are three things I really look for:
1) Novelty is really, really exiting. Generally when you see something for the first time you think ‘WOW I wish I'd done that!’
2) I really like to look at how things have been executed. If they've been executed well and they look classy then that really elevates a piece of work.
3) I like to make sure people haven't missed an opportunity. A half-baked campaign is a bit of a pity. But when people have actually made it totally rounded and put lots of bits of activation around a great idea, then it becomes massively exciting.
Charlotte Nathan is a graduate at H+K Strategies London