Diana Marszalek 18 Feb 2020 // 6:59AM GMT
NEW YORK — The Association for a Better New York has launched a full-service PR agency providing free help to community groups working on the 2020 US Census.
The agency is being led by Ayofemi Kirby, a former communications director for the Congressional Black Caucus, and is getting help from Rubenstein president Steven Rubenstein, who chairs the association of business, political, labor and non-profit leaders.
Kirby will oversee a team of PR professionals, digital and political campaign strategists to support nonprofit organizations in their outreach in hard-to-count communities. Services and workshops will focus on strategic communications planning, messaging, digital advertising and outreach, video production, and media relations among other topics.
ABNY will be making hires to staff the agency depending on the needs of the community-based organizations, and tapping senior Rubenstein staff to conduct workshops. The agency, which is part of a larger census initiative, is being funded by ABNY so that the services remain pro bono for all qualifying nonprofits.
“We need to make sure that all New Yorkers are counted in the 2020 Census so that our communities get the money and the representation they deserve,” Rubenstein said. “Local nonprofits are the most trusted messengers in hard-to-count communities, and a critical part of achieving an accurate count. ABNY is committed to providing tools, resources, and advice to help these organizations in their communications efforts.”