Diana Marszalek 25 Jun 2019 // 3:55PM GMT
SAN BRUNO, CA —Aparna Aswani, who was most recently with Neato Robotics, has joined Moxie Software as director of global corporate communications.
In her new role, Aswani is responsible for reaching the media, analysts and others by showcasing the company’s brand and consumer story. Her charge also includes developing the company’s social media strategy and bolstering executives’ thought leadership initiatives.
Aswani said she was drawn the Moxie, an ecommerce platform, because it focuses on customer engagement in addition to technology. “I've been in the consumer electronics and B2C space for a long time and differentiating between brands is becoming more of a challenge as time goes on, but the most interesting constant is the customer and enhancing the customer journey has become a passion of mine,” she said.
The opportunity to work under a female CEO, Rebecca Ward, and a female senior VP of marketing, Tara Sporrer, also made the move to Moxie particularly attractive, she said.
Aswani has spent the last three years at Neato Robotics as director of global communications & digital marketing. Before that, she held VP roles at both Bhava Communications and SutherlandGold Group.