WASHINGTON — The women’s health organization EngenderHealth has named industry vet Caleb Tiller as its new VP of global communications and marketing.

Tiller brings nearly 20 years of experience to EngenderHealth, a global organization focused on women’s sexual and reproductive rights.

Tiller has spent the last eight of those years directing the UN Foundation’s communications team, playing a lead role in range of initiatives including journalist trainings on sustainable development, the Social Good Summit, the SXSW Social Good Hub, and #GivingTuesday.

During his tenure, he also worked on initiatives to improve women's lives around the world including: Family Planning 2020, which advances the principle that all women should have access to lifesaving contraceptives; and Girl Up, which empowers adolescent girls globally.

“Throughout his career, he has helped organizations meet their strategic objectives by developing and implementing savvy marketing and communications plans. His work is widely respected in both the cause and communications communities,” said Rosemary Ellis, the group’s interim president and CEO.

“In the years ahead, EngenderHealth will continue to deliver quality maternal health, reproductive health, and family planning information and services around the world, while proactively advancing family planning as an indispensable human right. Caleb will lead the communications and marketing initiatives to support this mission,” she said.