Holmes Report 15 Apr 2012 // 11:00PM GMT
BRUSSELS—Christof Ehrhart, executive vice president and head of corporate communications at Deutsche Post DHL and one of Germany’s most respected corporate communicators, will headline The Holmes Report’s second ThinkTank Live conference in Europe, to be held in Brussels on May 31, the day of the EMEA SABRE Awards dinner.
Ehrhart (pictured) will be discussing “Corporate Communications in the Age of Hyper-Transparency” at a conference that will focus on Content Creation and Storytelling in the Age of Transparency, celebrating the leadership role that public relations professionals are playing in developing a wide range of original content.
According to Holmes Report editor Paul Holmes: “The vast array of quality content submitted to our Silver SABRE Awards, from traditional print work, to video creation, to infographics, to online games, digital apps, podcasts and webcasts to website design, shows just how many channels PR people are using to tell their stories in a challenging environment.”
Addressing the changing role of digital storytelling will be a duo of senior executives from global public relations giant Weber Shandwick: James Warren, the firm’s chief creative officer, and Mark Pinsent, head of content and consumer social media in the firm’s Paris office.
Additional speakers will be announced over the following few days.
Tickets to the ThinkTank Live event are available at no additional cost to those attending our eighth annual EMEA SABRE Awards dinner. To book SABRE Awards tickets, please contact Celeste Picco.
They are also available, priced $250, by registering here or using the form below. Both the conference and the dinner will be held at The Event Brewery in Brussels on May 31.