Holmes Report 14 Jul 2014 // 8:09AM GMT
HONG KONG—A new study from Weber Shandwick uncovers the extent to which digital is impacting newsrooms in Asia-Pacific.
The survey, which polled 339 journalists across 10 Asia Paci?c markets, found that a majority of journalists (71%) now publish across digital channels, and that digital is the preferred channel for journalists’ own news consumption habits, with 68% saying they most commonly access their news online. The contemporary media
In addition, journalists are making use of digital channels to source, verify and distribute their news, with
36% of those surveyed saying they go to online sources first when compiling their stories. In
terms of trust and credibility, journalists find certain digital channels — corporate websites
and blogs in particular — to be highly trustworthy, more so even than analysts and PR agencies.
The rise in recent years of brand journalism, furthermore, is reflected by the finding that 77% of journalists in the survey note that their news organisation always or sometimes publishes content
provided by a brand.