Holmes Report 25 Jan 2015 // 6:55PM GMT
NEW YORK—Hill+Knowlton Strategies is participating for the first time in the Environmental Defense Fund’s Climate Corps initiative, now in its eighth year, to help control costs and carbon emissions through improved energy management.
EDF Climate Corps pairs fellows—top graduate students from the nation’s leading universities—with companies, cities, schools and public institutions to identify, measure and implement high-value ways to save energy, carbon emissions and money. The initiative has worked with over 300 organizations since its launch in 2008, finding an average of $1 million in energy savings.
H+K Strategies will host its first EDF Climate Corps fellow in 2015 as an integral component of its sustainability program. According to Robert Ludke, executive vice president, governance and sustainability. “We know that our environmental footprint is important to employees and clients alike, and we will welcome our fellow's help to assess our current performance and establish the structure, metrics and goals needed to improve over time.
The firm published its first sustainability report last month.