So presumably everyone now knows that the boiling frog metaphor—born of the idea that frogs will sit still in water while you slowly turn up the temperature until it eventually boils—is based on a myth. Still, it’s a useful analogy for Americans’ understanding of global warming: this story suggests that many Americans are unresponsive to the long-term data showing that the climate is changing alarmingly, but that warm weather this winter has led to an increase in acceptance that warming is taking place. Good news but bad reasoning. The Washington Post coverage, by the way, provides one clue about why confusion persists. It quotes a scientist’s observation that people “mix up the difference between weather and climate,” but does not provide any clear explanation of that difference—so people who were mixed up before reading the piece will be just as mixed up after. I think I’m on record with the view that advertising is not an effective tool for driving consumer action or strengthening the relationship between organizations and their key stakeholders. But there are exceptions. This spot, which aired during the Oscars, prompted me to make a $250 donation to the Humane Society by emphasizing all the things the organization does beyond providing animal care. Qorvis, which has come under fire frequently over the past decade for its work on behalf of Saudi Arabia, has taken on another controversial Middle Eastern client: the government of Bahrain. Is the investor relations profession going to be the next to feel the effects of the social media revolution? At Slate, Jeffrey Goldberg argues that the upcoming proxy season could see the same kind of populist uprising that brought down governments in the Arab world and fueled the Occupy movement. “Corporate directors seem ill-prepared for the possibility of digital activism,” Goldberg says. Anyone who has listened to one of Rush Limbaugh’s radio broadcasts from beginning to end will have a sense of his advertising base, which always seemed to be made up in equal parts of legitimate brands, right-wing conspiracy theorists, and glorified Ponzi schemes. This is what’s left now that pretty much all the legitimate advertisers have withdrawn. Meanwhile, by far the most articulate and compelling explanation of what motivated the mass exodus came from Carbonite’s CEO, the father of two daughters. The Onion offers its inimitable take on Apple’s labor woes.