Hello from the other side. 

I died while under embargo last night, due to internal bleeding and organ failure, having sustained many blows from being repeatedly thrown into Gmail’s Trash folder. I was pronounced dead on arrival after being rushed to the hospital, at 8:31 p.m. EST, alongside 30% off rugs all styles at Crate and Barrel and Hey! We Miss You! + 40% off at Gap. 

After I died, I watched my coroner mourn my loss. “The tenth one this morning,” he murmured to himself, choking on tears he had been holding back for too long, “and yet again there was nothing we could do.” 

“If only journalists cared about the next biggest innovative solution. But they don’t,” he said as he put a white sheet over my mangled body.   

My abusers are still out there, continuing to torture the few friends and family I have left, until they all die and there is nothing left; no product news, no commentary, nothing. 

I don’t know what we did to deserve this. We deliver reporters and writers vital information — truly game changing news — about disruptive products for Mother’s Day gift guides and executive commentary ahead of Financial Literacy Day (you better make sure all your readers know about that one). We invite you to VERY fun launch events, where there are exclusive interview opportunities with the founder of the next Uber. We offer you demos before anyone else. And we remind you of our news every time we don’t hear back right away.  

Why do we do all of that? BECAUSE WE CARE. We hunt and gather the story angle, statistics, research, quotes and feed you all of the information that you NEED before you even know you need it. Each and every time we’re timely and relevant, and we bold it for you so you know this is news cannot be ignored. 

And what do we get in return? ABUSE AND NEGLECT. Every time it happens, journalists are failing to fulfill their duty to enlighten the public. And the blood of another devoted soldier is on their hands. 

Traditional press releases are dying every single day. In 2015 alone, we’ve lost more than 50,000 traditional press releases due to violence on Gmail. Many of these innocent press releases had bright lives ahead of them as carriers of information that had the potential to be read by hundreds of thousands interested in International Gardening Day or the next revolutionary Internet of Things smart home toilet plunger that measures the health of your toilet in real-time.

Each day I see gifs, long-form feature stories, videos, and interactive graphics shared on social media. I just don’t understand why traditional press releases don’t garner the same level of excitement, especially considering the level of depth we have. 

I simply can’t bear to see another comrade die fighting the good fight to bring readers the news that they need. Journalists, please stop this violence. This is bigger than me, and it’s bigger than you. It’s about the readers. 



By Alexander Jutkowitz, CEO of Truffle Pig, Colloquial and Group SJR and the Chief Global Strategist at H+K