Arun Sudhaman 18 Dec 2011 // 8:51AM GMT
Culled from our various interviews, events and stories, here are 10 quotes from the PR industry that raised some eyebrows this year.
Our 2011 Review also includes: Top 10 Most Read Stories Top 10 Blogposts Top Five Campaigns
“Generally speaking, bad news tends to sell more papers.” Tourism Mexico CMO Gerardo Llanes is philosophical about the negative press his country attracts. “Family business” Richard Edelman compares his firm to the Godfather trilogy at our ThinkTank Live conference in Prague. "The era of media relations is as dead as a dodo." Ogilvy CEO Miles Young is on challenging form at ThinkTank Live in Prague. “Sinophobia is one of the key issues we deal with.” Huawei comms chief Ross Gan does not pull his punches when discussing his company’s media issues at ThinkTank Live in Singapore. “Sometimes people accuse polls of being crack cocaine” Burson-Marsteller CEO Mark Penn touts his product at ThinkTank Live in Washington, DC. “There is this US-centric attitude, this is going to hurt them, I’m sure.” MSLGroup CEO Olivier Fleurot takes aim at US-based PR firms. “Storage is sexy” NetApp’s Jodi Baumann is not about to let the truth get in the way of a good soundbite. “The topic of Microsoft vs Google is irresistible” And Microsoft corporate communications VP Frank X. Shaw certainly appears to enjoy the battle. “The digital guy cannot be the guy who connects the projector.” Pepsico’s Bonin Bough thinks PR firms need to up their digital game. “There were a lot of movements. Elegantly put.” Alcatel-Lucent’s Lord Stephen Carter finally comments on his tumultuous exit from Downing Street.