Arun Sudhaman 11 Dec 2012 // 12:23PM GMT
It’s that time of the year again. Kicking off our 2012 Review is the top ten list of this year's most popular blogposts. The most read stories of the year, and more, will follow this week.
Five secrets to Sweden’s PR success
London and New York are all very well, but to get up close with the future of public relations, visit Stockholm. Failing that, grab some Absolut and read this post.
Mapping the global PR industry
Everyone loves a map. This nifty little effort charted the geographic spread of the world's 250-biggest PR firms.
Creativity at all costs? PR firms ponder lessons from Cannes Lions
Will I need to reproduce this one (again) after next year's Cannes Lions? For all of our sakes, I hope not.
Why I hate the PRSA’s new definition of public relations
Let's just say this post attracted a lot of support and leave it at that.
Meltwater wrong culprit for news industry’s online woes
Meltwater's valiant effort to make the news industry look forward hits a pretty sizeable speed bump.
Social media is the greatest threat facing the global PR industry
So say a hefty proportion of agency CEOs who, presumably, are referring to those pesky Twitter hackers.
The top social media challenges facing big PR firms
This year, we instituted an informal lunch with social media heads from the big firms. The results were eye-opening, to say the least.
Shock! Horror! PR firm is caught representing its client’s interests
Ketchum finds itself in the dock for being a PR firm with clients. I'd love to be snarky about this one but, when you read the post, you'll see Paul does it so much better than me.
Nobody cares how many friends you have
Elegantly skewering the obsession with spurious data analytics. By the way, this post attracted 36 Facebook likes, exceeding all of our KPIs by 787%.
PRSummit: The Infographic…
Our friends at Lewis PR put together this awesome infographic of the 2012 Global PR Summit, including the finding that the event included precisely one hurricane. You don't say...