LONDON — With one year to go until the 26th UN Climate Change Conference (COP26), FleishmanHillard Fishburn has launched a dedicated offer to advise UK and global clients in the run-up to, during and after the event, to be held in Glasgow next November.

The cross-disciplinary unit will advise existing and new clients on campaigning, consumer engagement, political advocacy, digital and social management and advertising, and research and measurement.

The initiative brings together senior advisers with experience in environment and sustainability issues from across the business, spanning corporate reputation, public affairs, international affairs, digital and social, and content strategy.

FHF’s managing director of corporate, Stephanie Bailey leads the unit, along with Tim Snowball, head of public affairs, international affairs lead Michael Hartt and Peter Wilson, head of special campaigns.

The COP26 unit will also draw on special advisers, directors and managers with expertise in reputation management, consumer engagement, digital and social, corporate purpose, development and humanitarian issues and research, content strategy and measurement. The new unit will also work closely with FleishmanHillard Brussels’ existing FH2050 Environment and Sustainability team.

Bailey said: “We’re at an inflexion point and COP26 will galvanise a desire for action like we have never seen before. Our own data shows appetite for progress on the climate crisis is growing, not slowing, and COP26 will put a spotlight on the actions being taken by industries, corporations, governments and multilateral organisations.

FHF is already working with clients on environment and sustainability communications and developing COP26 activity, said Bailey: “It is not just about what they will do during COP26, which presents difficulties in getting cut through. Organisations must also think what about they will do between now and then.

“Whether it is assessing if communications plans are fit for purpose, or developing a public engagement campaign, enhancing an organisation’s social presence, pursuing regulatory change, engaging with government, or generating industry-wide action, planning needs to happen now, not in nine months’ time.”