Arun Sudhaman 10 Jul 2012 // 11:00PM GMT
SAN JOSE, CA--Dell Wyse, the cloud computing player created after the recent acquisition of Wyse Technology by Dell is to consolidate global PR duties with WPP.
Wyse called the review earlier this year, shortly before announcing its acquisition by Dell. Numerous PR firms responded to the brief, which covered PR support across North America, Latin America, EMEA and Asia-Pacific.
The three-month review has concluded with Wyse handing the brief, estimated at upwards of $1m, to WPP agencies. The move is an effective consolidation given Dell’s existing long-term relationship with WPP, which sees PR duties led by Axicom in North America and Europe.
“WPP Team Dell will serve as our global PR agency,” said Dell Wyse comms head Allison Darin. “It was a very competitive RFP process, but we are looking forward to working with WPP.”
It is understood that Wyse is seeking a sharper thought leadership edge, particularly in terms of its positioning within the cloud computing arena. The company previously worked with Element in North America and Onechocolate in Europe.
Wyse is best known for its “thin clients”, computers that rely on networks elsewhere to provide software and handle data-processing. The model is expected to expand as organisations increasingly use multiple devices such as mobile, tablets and desktops. IDC expects thin client sales to increase by around 17 percent per year, after 4.6 million units were shipped in 2011.
Dell has said that it aims to increase Wyse’s revenues from $400m to $1bn within the next 12 months.