Ketchum was charged with helping launch the newest product in the Wipes Family (launched earlier in the year) - Armor All Leather Wipes. Ketchum’s challenge was to appeal to media who had just covered Armor All Auto Care Wipes and persuade them to cover new Leather Wipes.  Research gathered showed the rising popularity of cars with leather interiors, specifically among the more affluent.  Ketchum developed a core strategy to reach not only the car enthusiast but also faced the task of positioning a “Wipes” product to a more affluent audience.  The ultimate message:  Armor All Leather Wipes are the easy, one-step way to clean and protect car’s leather.  The strategy was to produce a comprehensive media relations program that would instantly grab the media’s attention and result in media placements.


Research was an important step in Ketchum’s planning process to determine the correct approach.  The following research was conducted and gathered:
· Ward’s Automotive research showed that 20% of cars have leather and that 26% of new cars in 2000 were expected to have leather (this showed the growing leather trend)
· Client research showed that cleaners specifically for cleaning leather were used only 14% of the time, the majority cited difficulty of use and time needed as reasons
· Client research showed Wipes category growing – this helped lead to the easy, one-step positioning
· Ketchum audited car salespersons for consumer attitudes toward leather and knowledge of leather care
· Ketchum conducted a media audit of articles that referenced trends in automotive purchases, accessories, leather, etc.
· Ketchum conducted research with car seat manufacturers regarding how to care for leather

Primary Target Audiences: Car enthusiasts, individuals with expensive leather interior

Objective 1:  Communicate to target audiences through the media that Armor All Leather Wipes are the easy, one-step method to clean and protect car’s leather
Objective 2:  Generate widespread media coverage for Leather Wipes resulting in 8 million consumer impressions


Designed rectangular black press kit boxes made of “leatheresque” material with a teaser sticker that stated, “Finally, EVERYTHING you need to keep the leather in your car clean, protected and looking like new.” 
Included a full size Armor All Leather Wipe Product as the “hero” in the press kit box with the tagline “Did you think there would be more?”  Contained press release, fact sheet and product photo.

Distributed kits to more than 300 media outlets nationally and followed-up with pitching.

Created an audio news release for October (National Car Care Month) that focused on little known facts and tips for caring for your car to help it keep its value

Drafted a matte release that detailed quick and easy ways for caring for leather.

Participated in a co-op satellite media tour that focused on great gifts for the holidays.

Wrote a feature story on Leather Wipes and distributed via Internet Wire


Objective 1:  Communicate core message:
· 94% of media placements included core product messages
· Wipes category grew 9% vs. year ago

Objective 2:  Generate media coverage of 8 million
Overall, Armor All Leather Wipes have accumulated more than 38.4 million impressions with broadcast, radio and Internet hits and placements in the Chicago Tribune, Hot Rod Magazine and Sports Truck as well as pick-up by the AP.  Popular Mechanics printed Armor All Leather Wipes information in its “GREAT STUFF” section, listing both the hotline number as well as the website address.  Reach: More than 3 million nationwide.

Received positive feedback from automotive editors as well as The Clorox Company.
· “The press kit was well thought out, very easy to read and one of the few
· press kits that I remember.  It wasn’t filled with a lot of useless information; most of that information was what I used for the piece.”—Nitish Rele, Tampa Tribune
· “The leather wipes press kit was really clear and concise. It was well thought out yet very straight forward.”—David Halliday, The Edmonton Journal
· “A wonderful job by Ketchum Atlanta.  We can always count on you to not only meet, but to exceed, our expectations.  Thank you all for your work on two successful campaigns.”—Vicki Friedman, Assistant Brand Manager-The Clorox Company.