With my luck a big story will break this afternoon. Barring that, this will be my last post this year, before I return in the New Year. So, to add yet another year-end list to the mix, I’ve compiled a ranking of the top ten most-read posts from this blog in 2010. There are a few surprises on here, but the most interesting trend must be that industry issues - particularly agency revenues - attract a special level of interest. Along with animated videos of Gordon Brown flinging his mobile phone. Enjoy - it has (mostly) been fun putting these stories, and the many others that didn’t make the list, together. And, as ever, thank you for stopping by. (1) Weber Shandwick tops Holmes Report Global Rankings 2010 Proving that whatever PR people say about their clients, what they really want to know is how much money their competitors are making. The 2010 Global Rankings was the result of a lot of work and shines some much needed light on an industry that is needlessly obscured by Sarbanes-Oxley regulations. (2) Apple Daily's Gordon Brown video ruffles feathers We really don’t need much coaxing to revisit the awesome splendour of Next Media’s animated news videos. This one, covering the Gordon Brown bullying saga, is a perfect example - blending fact, fiction and outright fantasy. Unsurprisingly, the Taiwanese embassy was not best pleased. (3) Industry analysis: Growth returns and Edelman surges in 1H 2010 First half results for this year were keenly awaited. Growth duly returned but the big stories were Edelman’s strong performance and Huntsworth’s slight dip. (4) Analysis: A new digital deal for PR agencies? A long look at how PR agencies are innovating beyond social media. This will be an even more important topic in 2011, but what stands out in this piece is Simon Sproule’s plain speaking about client attitudes. (5) The numbers game Three posts out of the top five are about PR agency revenues. Are you seeing a pattern here? This one compared David Brain’s agency estimates with AdAge’s global ranking, with some conclusions about which firms had suffered the most. (6) Miles Young tipped to succeed Sorrell at WPP Everyone loves a good succession story, particularly when the subject is the indefatigable Sir Martin Sorrell. Sparked another title to compile an inspired ranking of the runners and riders in this particular race. (7) Analysis: Richard Edelman shuffles the deck on his "pirate ship" With apologies for the awful headline. Also notable for suggesting that David Brain is a wild card who is moving to the twilight zone. (8) IBM digital chief: "A digital department is somewhat preposterous" Where IBM digital chief Ben Edwards decides to try and talk himself out of a job. Always a compelling move. (9) Microsoft consolidates Asia-Pacific PR with Weber Shandwick Big Asia-Pacific review but, frankly, I’m not entirely sure why this rose so high. Still, Stephen Forshaw’s transparency about the pitch is commendable and  - I would argue - an example to all of the uncooperative clients I dealt with this year. (10) Asia Pulp & Paper calls in new PR support after Weber Shandwick resigns Perhaps my favourite news story of the year, this one had it all: controversial brand, agency resignation, surprising pitch winner, and a global brief out of Asia.