Paula Villaseñor Bell | The Innovator 25 North America 2022

Paula Villaseñor Bell

Global Female Shave Care Brand Communications & Latin America Corporate Communications Director


“Change starts from  how we staff. It should enable organizations to recognize the strengths of different points of view.”

Since joining Procter & Gamble in 2006, Paula Villaseñor has used her position to elevate P&G’s ESG efforts in Latin America. Recent efforts include spearheading the Escuelas de Lluvia (Rain Schools), a regional initiative to provide clean drinking water available in schools, fighting illness and absenteeism caused by lack of access to safe water.  The program started in Panama and has since rolled out in Guatemala and Ecuador. Villaseñor has focused on building internal cultural as well: she created P&G LADMAR Jewels, a company taskforce that developed a singular narrative strong enough to build bridges across cultures and unify employees around leveraging the P&G platform to help solve local problems. All of which speaks to Villaseñor’s continued focused on constructing a solid strategy that guides P&G’s positive impact in Latin America while helping to navigate the region’s cultural diversity and nuances.

How do you define innovation?
Innovation is the answer to "What if?" From a communication standpoint it means challenging beliefs and ways of working with a "Yes AND" and a "What would happen if" mindset to create more effective and engaging ways of influencing.

What is the most innovative PR or marketing initiative you've seen over the past 12 months?
I loved the PedidosYA Argentina case around the World Cup. They created an outstanding level of coverage and user generated content with ZERO investment, just tapping into the passion of their consumers.

In your opinion, which brands and/or agencies are most innovative in their approach to PR and marketing?
I love Old Spice and how they turned around an "aged" brand perception into a cool and fun young brand without losing their legacy. From an agency standpoint, I love the work from MMC and Another Company.

Describe a moment in your career that you would consider to be innovative.
Corporate communication is usually quite cash restrained, so creating an impact with corporate narratives really creates the perfect storm for innovation. You need to be very creative with how you use your budget to push powerful narratives.

Who do you admire for his/her approach to innovation?
I am a big fan of the artist Rafael Lozano Hemmer and the way he connects technology to contemporary art, using technology as a vehicle to explore deep reflections on human nature.

How do you get out of a creativity rut?
I start by meditating to connect with my deeper self and empty my mind as much as possible. Then I like to either write or bake; both of these activities are great to free up mental space. Finally, I choose to have fun with the task at hand. Creativity likes joy, and I cannot create with a heavy heart, so happiness and joy are very important for creativity.

What advice would you give to the PR industry around embracing innovation?
Use the boring score. If the idea is boring to me, it will probably be boring for my audiences. PR can be as boring or as cool as we make it; if you are not having fun, you are probably not innovating. Fall in love with the problem you are solving, not with your ideas. When we stop pushing for our agenda and really open our mind to solving problems creatively, a lot of magic happens.

What would you be doing if you weren't doing your current job?
I would probably work in therapy or coaching, I have a very strong drive to help and serve others. And if my dreams come true, I ́d love to become an author.

Which book/movie/TV show/podcast/playlist/other cultural source has provided inspiration over the past year?
I consume a lot of content and get inspiration from many sources, but the podcast 'Think Fast and Talk Smart' and the book 'The Universe Has Your Back' have both been super-inspiring.

How can the PR and communications industry harness innovation to make more progress on diversity, equity and inclusion?
I am a strong believer in diverse teams. If your team is not diverse it will be very hard to address challenges with different mindsets. Change starts from how we staff; it should enable organizations to recognize the strength of different points of view.