Lauren Danis | The Innovator 25 2014 | Holmes Report


The Innovator 25: Lauren Danis 

EVP at Weber Shandwick since 2007
Influence & Engagement, 12 to 20 years

For being the PR lead on the Honey Maid “This is Wholesome” campaign that powerfully, and arguably bravely, celebrated the evolution of the American family — and even more impressively, turned hateful backlash into a truly moving display.  For making integrated work her trademark with other campaigns like the Aunt Jemima “Every Batch From Scratch” campaign that involved a three-part social video series. And for being a part of one of the most iconic American campaigns in recent memory — “got milk?”

In what area of marketing/PR do you see the most innovation?
Content creation & creative copy

How would you describe the communications/PR industry’s level of innovation?
More innovative than other marketing disciplines

Where do you see the greatest opportunity for marketing & PR to become more innovative?
Social media & online marketing

Who most influences how innovative a brand’s marketing/PR is?

How do you define innovation?
The humility and curiosity to find a better way.

Most innovative PR/comms campaign you’ve seen in the last 12 months?
Chipotle ‘Scarecrow’ or Newcastle Brown Ale, ‘If We Made It’

What brands and/or agencies are most innovative when it comes to marketing/PR?
Nike, Warby Parker, Chobani, Oreo, Google

Describe a moment in your career that you would consider ‘innovative.’
It happens daily — when various subject matter experts converge to solve business challenges in new ways.  That is innovation.

Who is your mentor and why?
I am motivated, guided and pushed creatively by so many colleagues and clients.

How do you get inspired?
Practicing yoga.

Advice for people seeking to bring new ideas, ways of doing things to their organizations?
Be curious.  Be brave.  And also be open-minded to learn from and be inspired by those who are more experienced.

In your opinion, what’s the most innovative place in the world? This could be a city, a venue, a neighborhood, etc.
New York City

What’s your favorite time of day and why?
Happy hour.  So many great ideas start on the back of a napkin.