Dominique Wood-Benneteau | Influence 100
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Dominique Wood-Benneteau

Head of Global Communication and Brand

In January 2022, French multinational utility company Engie launched a new brand campaign featuring the children of group employees. At the helm of this strategy was Dominique Wood-Benneteau, who joined Engie in January 2021 after a stint with retailer Carrefour in its highest-ranking communications role. She described the campaign – which underlined the moves the group is making  towards a low-carbon world for future generations – as “marking a shift from what is done in the industry” and said “internally this generated strong levels of engagement”.

Wood-Benneteau previously worked at Air France-KLM Group, where she was communications director. Before this she steered comms for France-based international transport operator Transdev, after starting her career in consultancy, including 12 years as general manager of Havas marketing and advertising agency W&cie.

She sees corporate comms as a link between company strategy, internal and external and is a great believer in gaining experience both agency and client-side, saying a good communicator is a professional who knows both worlds.