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Influence 100: Introduction & Methodology
The Profiles | Who Are the 100 & Their Early Years | Teams, Budgets & Agencies | The Big Questions & Inspiration | The Crossover Stars | The Rising Stars
The following research is based on responses from a survey sent to this year's Influence 100, and when applicable, our own analysis and research. Because of rounding, some percentages might exceed 100%.
This year, for the first time, we asked respondents how their CEOs evaluate their function. Reputation benchmarking, by far, came out on top. Interestingly, one of the options — sales and lead generation — garnered no responses. Several respondents, however, did indicate their CEOs evaluate PR/communications using "all of the above." Other notable responses:
"A mix of external and internal analytics. No single measure or methodology."
"A variety of ways including all the above mentioned plus others like speed of adaption to change by employees [internal coms], strategic advancement of a specific narrative externally etc."
"All of the above plus tactical analytics."
"Support business growth, investor confidence, reputation."
"On our ability to help enable business outcomes as part of integrated teams."
Business Spend
All of the respondents have considerable input on how much their organizations spend on communications. When asked the same question about marketing spend, only 60% report having considerable input on spend— 18% do not have input (the rest answered neutrally). Perhaps most notably, 36% report having considerable input on overall business spend at their organizations — 33% don't feel they have an input and the remaining were neutral.
This year, we also explored the way organizations are using data & analytics to drive and evaluate their marketing and communications efforts. Here's what we found:
- 30% of respondents always use data to allocate resources and spend, meanwhile 50% do this either usually (27%) or about half the time (23%). Only 20% report rarely using data to allocate their resources and spend.
- 79% use data and analytics for research and planning always (38%) or most of the time (41%), 14% do this about half the time and 7% do so rarely.
- When it comes to using data to alter the course of a campaign in real-time, 62% of respondents do this always (28%) or usually (34%) while 17% do this about half the time and 20% do so rarely.
- 80% of respondents use data and analytics to measure the business impact of their efforts, the rest do this about half the time (13%) or rarely (7%).
The Future CCO
Also new this year, we asked respondents their prediction for the future of the CCO role. "The CCO role will continue to grow in importance and influence," said one respondent. "Comms and reputation management are on the rise: marketing is struggling to find its new mission in post-brand advertising world where the 30-second TV spot has been made redundant."
"As the lines between Comms and Marketing continue to blur, as people engage and consume information from an ever-changing array of sources, and the need to demonstrate ROI increases, the CCO role must adapt/be adapted to succeed and thrive in a 'post-PR' world," said another respondent. "Increasingly the CCO is leveled to report to the CMO. This trend should worry all of us in the industry."
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