The Social Profile | Influence 100

The Influence 100: Introduction & Methodology 
The Profiles 
The Research | The Social Profile
Analysis: Are In-House PR Leaders Using Twitter Enough?

What's The Social Footprint of the Influence 100?

The Holmes Report partnered with Five Blocks to analyze the social media footprint of the Influence 100. 

Who's On Twitter? 


SEO Boosters 
When it comes to the social and media sites that appear on the first page of the Influence 100's search results, unsurprisingly, LinkedIn and Twitter come out on top. Interestingly, the Influence 100 came out slightly ahead of Twitter and appears for more than half the people searched.


'Search Abhors A Vacuum' 

In its quest to serve relevant search results, Google frequently includes results on social media sites.
But while the name matches, they aren’t always profiles for the person intended in the search. The gap in these numbers represents an important opportunity for those corporate communicators not already using social media to begin to do so. Search abhors a vacuum and the search algorithm is filling that space with irrelevant content.


By a large margin, LinkedIn is the most popular network for this group. Twitter shows solid usage as well. Facebook presence is significantly lower.


Why Wikipedia Matters

Wikipedia is treated by Google as an authoritative information source. If a Wikipedia article matching the search term exists, it will likely rank well.


The Corporate Connection 

The connection between most Influencers and their companies is so strong that company assets appear in their personal search results. 


The Influence 100: Introduction & Methodology 
The Profiles The Research | The Social Profile
Analysis: Are In-House PR Leaders Using Twitter Enough?