Clarice Coppetti | Influence 100

Clarice Coppetti

Chief Corporate Affairs Officer



Brazil’s current president, Lula da Silva, is calling on Petrobras, the state-owned oil and gas company, to reclaim its responsibility to the Brazilian people. Lula also has criticized the company’s pricing policy and asset divestments, which had the support of his predecessor, Jair Boslonaro.

As chief sustainability and institutional relations officer, Clarice Coppetti plays a key role in Petrobras’ efforts to meet those new expectations. The company has already made changes to its pricing policy. A member of the executive committee, Coppetti also is involved with the creation, and ultimately execution, of Petrobras’ extensive ESG plan, which includes the company committing to reducing its carbon footprint, use of freshwater and generation of solid waste, as well as protecting biodiversity including the ocean’s endangered species.