Melissa Selcher | Influence 100

Melissa Selcher 

Chief Marketing & Communications Officer



It’s hard to believe that LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional network, turned 20 this year, on May 5 to be precise making it one of the first of the noughties social media giants to exit its adolescence – Twitter hit the milestone in 2022, and Facebook follows with its 20th anniversary in 2024.

What began as a humble job search platform has now evolved into a global community with more than 930m members and a revenue surpassing $14bn in the last year.

Former CCO at Cisco Melissa Selcher joined LinkedIn in 2016 and was promoted to her current top role in 2020, after years of being teed up for the job. Whilst serving as VP of brand marketing, corporate comms and social impact at LinkedIn she oversaw the evolution of the company’s global brand that led to it being named one of the ten fastest-growing brands in the world in both 2019 and 2020 by BrandZ.

Not long afterwards, the pandemic saw LinkedIn shed 6% of its workforce as companies scaled back on job postings and recruitment services. Since then however, it’s bounced back. Most recently it released a series of social videos entitled ‘Avoid the awkward’, created by VCCP, that address common stereotypes around visible differences, neurodiversity and race. Selcher now heads up a team responsible for all marketing, comms and global social impact work.